Now with the new C#6 nameof operator, the use of ArgumentNullExceptions and ArgumentExceptions become more flexible and resistant to variable refactoring and renaming.
Here's a regex to search and replace in Visual Studio usage of ArgumentNullException:
Search for:
throw new ArgumentNullException("(?<message>.*?)
Replace with:
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(${varname})
For example this will replace this
throw new ArgumentNullException("variable", "This variable cannot be null.");
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(variable), "This variable cannot be null.");
Here's another regex to search and replace usage of ArgumentException:
Search for:
throw new ArgumentException\("(?<message>.*?)", "(?<varname>.*?)"
Replace with:
throw new ArgumentException("${message}", nameof(${varname})
For example this will replace this
throw new ArgumentException("This argument is invalid for some weird reason.", "variable");
throw new ArgumentException("This argument is invalid for some weird reason.", nameof(variable));