Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Accessing Internal Members

Happy new year!  Just had to document this quickly. Accessing internal members is necessary for testing, but also sometimes for production code.  I found this to be the case optimising a day-end process which read some database records copied them elsewhere and needed to save. Unfortunately by doing so resets the connection object inside the persistence layer (an old proprietary ORM unchangeable right now). This meant that the records then needed to be re-read, to prevent access to stale objects that would not have future changes updated into the database.

This was fixed by calling an internal method on the connection object that registers database entities into an internal collection.  A bit of a hack, but fixes the performance issue without getting caught up in fixing a persistence layer that will be replaced soon.

But there were two possible approaches.  
1) You can grant another library permission to access its internal (or friend in vb) members; 
2)  Or you can allow access to a internal member with an extension method.

Grant access to all internals
Lets start with granting access to another library to access the internal members. This will give the other library full access to all internal members in the source library. This will only work if both libraries are signed with a strong name. To find out how to do that go here.

Open the library (DLL) that contains the internal members you would like to access externally.  Find the assemblyinfo.vb (or .cs in c#) and add the following line at the bottom:

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyUnitTestLibrary, PublicKey=002400000480000094000000060200000024000052534131000400000100010015b2942f80eea6e7c6ee614974fefc2820236c27c4c0dd221c6469178e7e34884466e5dfb8f1958f0feff6dc71f00176927ce3a3d360b50c08880efa9de0a8cb33a80d4cf3ed6849a5f1d0699b64346f94b505c2b6c585b1e0dd3929640ad3f23ce35a0f79e6539dd74f1ab9f25c9a366124f1d84117126b7c5d83e37fbc6ddb")]

You will need to import "Imports  System.Runtime.CompilerServices".

Replace the "MyUnitTestLibrary" with the name of the other library where you need to call the internal methods of this library.  

The next thing to do, is to obtain the public key signature data.  This is done by using the Sn.exe command line utility.
Use the following command line (in which the parameters are case sensitive):
sn -Tp YourDllNameHere.dll

Output should look something like this:

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility  Version 3.5.30729.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Public key is

Public key token is ee02eaa036161368
Copy and past the public key data into the assemblyinfo file, obviously removing the carriage returns.

Build both libraries and you can now access the internals.  This is normally fine for testing but to expose all internals for only one use case feels dirty for production code.

Grant access to one method using an extension

Heres the class that owns the internal member.

Public Class Connection
   Friend Sub RegisterObject(newObject As BaseEntity)
        ' Inner workings not important
    End Sub
End Class

And the use case from the other library...

Dim objects As IEnumerable(Of BaseEntity) = connection.GetObjects(...) 'How to get objects is unimportant...
connection.Commit() ' This resets the internal collection and the above array of objects is now stale and unusable, all changes to them will not be saved.
For Each(Dim x As BaseEntity In objects)
    connection.RegisterObject(x)  ' Need to be able to do something like this, but can't right now.

The plan is to add an extension to the library that contains the extension.

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Namespace Extensions
    Public Module ContainerJobExtensions
        <Extension()> _
        Public Sub RegisterObjects(ByVal instance As Connection, ByVal objects As BaseEntity())
            Array.ForEach(Of BaseEntity)(objects, AddressOf instance.RegisterObject)
        End Sub
    End Module
End Namespace

Now with that I can re-register the objects with the connection like so...

Dim objects As IEnumerable(Of BaseEntity) = connection.GetObjects(...) 'How to get objects is unimportant...
connection.Commit() ' This resets the internal collection and the above array of objects is now stale and unusable, all changes to them will not be saved.

By putting the extension in another namespace you can selectively import this only into the use case where you need to use it.



  1. Incidentally this attribute works when an assembly is not signed also. Just omit the public key parameter.

  2. In addition to this, your mocking library will also need access to the internal types in your assembly. If it does not it will not be able to mock other internal dependencies of the subject under test. I generally use RhinoMocks, so here is the syntax to give RhinoMocks access to the internals:

    [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DynamicProxyGenAssembly2")] // Rhino.Mocks dynamically generated mocksare created in this assembly
