Friday, January 15, 2010


Here's a summary of some great new (and some improved) features in LINQ and most importantly PLINQ.

PLINQ will actually be slower than LINQ to objects if there is no expensive filtering, or projection process.  Here are some examples when using PLINQ is a good idea.

Where selecting has a time consuming process:

IEnumerable<int> src = ...
var query = 
      .Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
      .Select(x => Foo(x));
Using ForAll with an expensive projection function and possibly an expensive loop:

int[] src = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).ToArray();
var query = src.AsParallel()
             .Select(x => ExpensiveFunc(x));

int resultSum = query.ForAll(
      x => Console.WriteLine(x)
Using a Partitioner to ensure load balancing:

int[] src = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).ToArray();
var query = Partitioner.Create(src, true).AsParallel()
             .Select(x => ExpensiveFunc(x));

foreach(var x in query)

An expensive filter:

int[] src = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).ToArray();
var query = src.AsParallel()
             .Where(x => ExpensiveFilter(x));

foreach(var x in query)
Sequence zipping (takes two elements from two input arrays and outputs one resulting element):

int[] arr1 = ..., arr2 = ...;
int[] results =
           (arr1Elem, arr2Elem) => ExpensiveFunc(arr1Elem, arr2Elem))
A reduction extension method:

public static double Average(this IEnumerable<int> source)
      return source.Aggregate(
             () => new double[2],
             (acc, elem) => {
                   acc[0] += elem; acc[1]++; return acc;
             (acc1, acc2) => {
                   acc1[0] += acc2[0]; acc1[1] += acc2[1]; return acc1;
             acc => acc[0] / acc[1]);

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